Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Pre-second-test woes

i was super, super pissed off with bbdc today. so yesterday's lesson was mr chan instead of shi fu and i was ok with it. the first lesson today was supposed to be with hau kw but i got mr chan instead and still i was ok with it. but i started to worry cos i knew sooner or later i would be getting the other instructors from g8033 and TRUE ENOUGH the second lesson, which was supposed to be with mr chan, i got this guy (ong wh). so he was nice but at this stage i would really appreciate an instructor i know. besides, BOTH hau kw and shi fu were teaching during my lesson. the worst thing is that while they refund me the $5 for not getting the instructor i want, they dont refund me the $3 for fixed group.

tomorrow is my last lesson and i am supposed to have it with hau kw. i chose hau kw for my last lesson for a reason, it wasn't random. hes the strictest (that i know of) with safety checks. he is also the least encouraging but i suppose i dont need the encouragement since the last time everyone told me i was going to pass and i failed.

NOW IF I DONT GET HAU KW TOMORROW, or mr chan or shi fu, im going to be very, very upset with bbdc.

anyhow that ong wh guy was really funny he kept asking me about cars, like what car im going to drive, what car my dad drives, and what i did with the result slip of the first test. t'was quite amusing. but he was using his phone during lesson and i didnt quite like that. for the record, i wouldnt like it either if the tester used his phone during the test.

talking about testers, trey was talking about his failed driving tests and apparently the second one he felt the tester was unfair so they gave him *two* testers for his third, which he passed. now thats quite amazing.

Original entry here.

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