anyway on a lighter note the doorbell rang at the start of henin-dementieva's second set. 
i am not very sorry that i look so crappy in my driving licence because NOBODY goes for driving test thinking s/he's going to pass so who on earth would bother dressing up and bringing a comb/make up for photo-taking??? (only those who usually doll up for driving lessons, crazy people with too much make-up to spare!) i am thankful enough i was wearing contacts that day. but that was cos i realized that specs get in the way when im parking.
i dont think ive blogged this yet:
i am still quite angry with bbdc for defacing my result slip. whoever was in charge of updating student particulars must have felt the need to exert his 'power' by drawing random crap on everybody's result slips. fancy people doing that to YOUR o/a level result slip. i think you'll flip. in fact this is worse because i dont get a certificate with all the mistakes listed on it. and i am supposed to 'improve on the mistakes listed' on that list. looking back technically bbdc had no business asking for my result slip. tsk. should've argued. hahaha.
i think this is going to be my MOST TREASURED CARD ever. apart from atm/credit card for obvious reasons. i probably wouldnt care about my IC half as much because my identity (like yours) was conferred by the state/society i was born into. whereas i had to work really hard for this one.
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