Monday, 19 October 2009

while people collect demerit points during their driving test, yours truly collects 'immediate failures' as if they are demerit points.

21 days till my driving test and i am THIS unprepared.

hau kw for driving (never had him teach me before - he was the only one of g8001 whom ive never met) which is, i guess, good, cos with someone i am unfamiliar with it becomes clear how lost i am without prompting.

i forgot to accelerate first then put down the handbrake on top of the slope, i mounted kerbs twice - during directional change and s-course, i hit the pole during that ramp thing, and i totally forgot what else to do after i am in the lot for parallel parking. also had expensive (in terms of points) stuff like insufficient acceleration, not keeping sufficient distance from the next car, etc.

crap, because ive got like 5 more lessons booked, and i cant afford the time off for any more. im so deadddddd.

if there is one thing chan hy once said that i still remember, it must be that you really shouldnt allow one or two mistakes to affect the rest of your performance. because the psychological impact is insanely strong.

on the other hand, hau kw is like, a KID compared to all the other instructors there. he doesnt even look a day over thirty - why do we have such young people doing retirement jobs?! he is nice and i would say, quite friendly and not annoying like tan jj. those people looking to get a young and shuai (no not at all, but relative to all other instructors whose average age must be like, sixty) instructor can consider fixing his group and have this dude teach you, although truthfully i think you might have a higher chance passing with sim kh as your instructor even though hes annoying as hell. i think i should rename my blog, "BBDC Instructor Reviews".

言归正传 i evidently cannot afford to have chan hy and ronald siew as my instructors anymore. i need instructors who aren't familiar with my driving style and are not ok with prompting me. ok, that spells sim kh.

this must have been my worst driving lesson since stage one. and i finish stage four today. next lesson's final evaluation.

I definitely like how I really ended up with a BBDC review blog :) Original entry here.

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