Sunday, 2 January 2011


  recently i realized that this blog has been picking up. exactly the way i hoped it would. i spent lots of time documenting my experience with bbdc, and i knew it wasnt for nothing when i got more hits for "bbdc" than anything else over the past two years. i started that blog right after i got my license. moved some entries over, but never managed to move all. its not enough to earn me money (although i truly think i should be refunded all my course fees in exchange for this review and endorsement haha) but its a promise to continue after exams.

i really like knowing that this blog has been of help to some people!

so please continue reading, and ill update this blog with the rest of my experience (which has actually all been typed out and published under my original blog) come december.



I'm a couple of days late, but I've finally finished copying & pasting the relevant sections of all those entries about my time as a BBDC student in 2009. I can't quite believe that it's been 2 years already. I wonder if these experiences are all outdated now - but as far as I'm concerned, the BBDC website suggests most of the instructors are still the same (at least, my favourite few - Hau KW, Ronald Siew MW & Chan HY are still around).

This blog is finally complete. The sole purpose of this blog is/was to showcase my (and only my) experience as a BBDC student. It just so happened that I was blogging about it so often, there were so many entries about it that I decided to put it all into a blog for whoever's interested.

Have a great time learning how to drive! 


Every word of the blog entries published here were based on the experiences of the person who authored them. She was not authorized to write these blog entries as part of a review or advertorial. She learnt to drive on her own accord after several months of her mother's nagging.
She strongly believes everyone should decide for themselves which driving school to go to (or to learn the skill privately), which instructors to fix and what to think of the instructors and all associated with BBDC. These blog entries merely represent her point of view.

Just like how she does not attempt to answer the question of how many (if there are even any) yan dao instructors there are in BBDC, she does not intend to influence your decision in choosing where to learn driving at. Your attitude and desire to be a safe and competent driver determines whether you become one.

She chose to fish out most of the 60-odd entries originally published in her personal blog (PubliclyZihwye) because she felt it was an experience worth specially documenting, and also because she saw a 'market' in the number of hits she got from people typing "BBDC" into google.

Her experience at BBDC was a bucket of sugar with a lot of spice. As you will understand in due course, she was lucky in several cases and unlucky in others.

She remains eternally grateful to the instructors who taught her well and wishes them the best in all their future teaching endeavours. She has nothing more to say about the instructors who didn't care.

She passed her traffic police driving test on the 7th of January 2010. It was her second try and she was very sure she was going to fail. She may not have done fantastically but remains very proud of her achievement.

To all reading this, a good driver has to be decisive and so you should be, if you want to be a safe and competent driver. The best instructors for me may be the worst for you, and vice versa.

Originally published on 10th January 2010 at 5:05 AM

BBDC Website User Interface

Click to enlarge all photos.

BBDC website interface (post-login)

usually some words in red in a blue box would be there reminding you of your test date and time and to complete all test requirements before a specific date.

Cancelling training sessions

is quick and easy particularly if you do it more than 48hours in advance. try-sell is quite easy too and usually works out if you do it more than 24 hours in advance.

"booking without fixed instructor" and "booking with fixed instructor" will also be on the left hand bar. at least until you graduate.

it costs (as you can see) $3.21 per lesson if you fix a group and not an instructor. be prepared to pay another $5 more to fix an instructor. in cases where you fail to get the instructor you've fixed (which happened every single time for me), you will get your $5 back.

my training history

test history

total cost

and my instructors

Originally published on 10 January 2010 at 5:46AM.
