Monday, 28 September 2009

Stage 4

stage 4 of driving is amazingly fun but scary. i made very few mistakes but those were the immediate-failure kind. like striking the kerb (hard!) after a u-turn. such crappy errors. and even though the rest was pretty much ok, i think it was only cuz chan hy was my instructor? i really think the nerves on the actual test itself will be enough to make me fail.

my greatest concern though is finding lessons for the next three weeks!!!

full entry here.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

How's your driving going?

...thankfully im going to be at bbdc before that, since bbdc has a direct bus to lot one, which has a direct bus to the child's home.

talking about driving. i abhor the way some people ask me things like hows my driving going, and then tell me how their friend/s started the same time as me but they finished already. are you trying to imply that my progress is slow? it just shows how ignorant they are (of my situation) because i would've finished the whole driving thing by now if not for the fact that my test date's so late. these people annoy me even more when they end off with, "but his/her test is 13 nov!" isnt your friend kind of dumb then!? s/he will probably have to spend so much more on revision lessons than i have to. if i pass, but that is quite a different matter altogether.

Full entry here.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Packed lessons

had sim kh for driving. he was noisy as usual but i shut him out, so its alright. ive got driving again today and thurs - i packed my week dunno for what, i've 3 weeks in oct without lessons. apparently there are people who fixed ronald siew as their instructor (!) -jaw drop- if i could, i'd fix chan hy as my instructor, but hes nice, and nice instructors dont ensure i pass.

Full entry here.

Friday, 11 September 2009


on a driving note i got ronald siew again (this time when i was like 'ah, whatever!' when i saw his name) and t'was normal. just that im very ok with him now so i dont find his 'normal' annoying. surprisingly im good at s-course now and my parallel parking seems ok! until i get sim again, that is, because sim kills all my confidence and replaces it with hatred for him...

i brought my laptop with me hoping to watch d.i.e. again on the bus. in the end i barely watched anything cos my head was spinning. im now watching ep17. siu yee-lookalike so bik just appeared. gah, i hate both characters! ive got a lot of work to do this weekend!

Full entry here!

Monday, 7 September 2009

BBDC Bitching

sim kh was my instructor for driving today. if i slapped him everytime he said something stupid, his face would have been badly bruised by the end of lesson.

he goes like, "hello good afternoon 我是sim" at the start with a stupid fake smile atypical of men his age (seriously, at 70-odd years of age, i dont think people bother being fake anymore - they've seen far too much of life to do that). unfortunately he couldnt carry that fake niceties through and he kept putting down my driving skills. what made it worse was how he'd say something like "sorry, i have to tell you the truth" after pointing out my faults. now how does that make sense? he must be the only teacher in the world of education to apologize for pointing out a student's error.

so he spent 75% of the lesson telling me i was wrong (and barely telling me what is right), and linking it to my lousy "previous instructors" who cared more about being "nice" but will definitely not ensure i pass. he reiterated no less than 3 times that his passing rate was the highest among everyone, and reminded me that his role is to make me pass on my first try. if not for the fact that whether students in his group pass on first try or not affect his year-end bonus, i dont think he'll give a damn about his students passing. i mean, it wouldnt affect him otherwise, right?

i dont deny that at the start of today's lesson i screwed up crank-course quite badly- i kept striking kerbs. he blamed it on my "previous instructor" (who by the way is in his group of instructors too so wth) who didnt bother teaching me 3.02 properly. in 3.02 they introduce you to the reverse gear so i dont see the link but ok, whatever, maybe theres a link. point being, how can you possibly blame me, or the previous instructor, if i dont know how to do 3.03 considering i havent completed that module yet? if i were that good at it i would have completed it last lesson, no?

i hate his endless bitching about other instructors- like how they are very nice and friendly but have a super-low passing rate, and how you can never learn driving properly with a private instructor, etc. the worst must have been how he said he works very hard (like from 2pm right through 11pm with only a short break in between). you almost start to suspect bbdc blackmailed him into teaching. :/ i just 'orh-ed' all his musings throughout.

and ronald siew was teaching 118 today. i was in car 117 but i usually use 118. hahaha. it has come to a stage where I REALLY DUNNO WHO I'D RATHER GET. but i guess i'd rather get ronald siew now that hes nicer to me, or chan hy, than sim, ng, or alex tan. alex tan is the ultimate cos he allows you to pass modules without going through them. even though sim sucks at least he taught me something.

Well its been more than 2 years now and I can safely say I still remember how annoying Sim KH was at that time. I hope he has retired.

Full entry here.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

The Most Dramatic Me

im not sure if i want to get ronald siew for driving tomorrow HAHAHA. but seriously, with the test date set, i just want to learn stage 3 properly and pass on my first attempt (because it is so expensive). so much so i dont actually care about how much i (dis)like the person next to me. i just want a good instructor who will ensure i graduate a skillful, safe and responsible road user.

right. i sound like i am advertising bbdc. i should really publish a book with my driving memoirs. i think i create the most drama (for myself and that guy at the complain counter, plus maybe ronald siew) because nobody else has the same problems.

And in the end I started this blog! Full entry here.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Driving Simulator + Stage 3

I vaguely remember that old and cranky driving simulator which is compulsory for BBDC students and not students who take driving lessons anywhere else or privately:

had a long day of driving. driving simulator sucks. ive been dizzy since. stage 3 also sucks. s-course sucks. crank-course (?!) sucks too. i ran into ronald siew like twice today and he was super nice both times. :/ HAHA. he didnt teach me tho i had the scary-looking but super amiable instructor i had last week. didnt realize he was in my group. the guy at the pr counter called me back on my way to the driving simulator and he was like "miss! miss! so how's everything?" and after i told him all was fine, he reiterated that it was very important that i enjoy my lessons and that he'd do his best to help me should i have any problems in future. tsk. these people make me feel bad.

Full entry here.
